Dark Swords Administration wish you Health, so you may enjoy each day in comfort. We wish you the Love of friends and family and Peace within your heart. We wish you Happiness, Joy and Blessings for the New 2011 Year. «Wonderful Gifts» can be bought at any Artefact shop all around the DS world (4 platinum each). Share this gifts with your friends and family and if you don't have any leave them for yourself! On December 31th, at server restart they will turn into one of the following sets of essences:
We rent our castle for grinders, costs 5 reign essences for 24H (real time)in castle. People can grind those essences back if they grind long enough. The essences is sold in our shop and profits will go to Clan bank and bar. Its also possible to sell reign essences to our shop as OT member.
31 dec DS will be flooded by essences so if u have people that want to come and grind let us know.