Added four new daily quests for religious players with the religion level ranges 15-29, 30-44, 45-59, 60+ (location - Temple of the Snake). Goal of this quest is to gain a certain amount of religious experience, as a reward - Mark of Piety - a soulbound elixir (the effect is same as Platinum Heart) which in addition could be exchanged for all sorts of goodies, that is a nice addition to the character who chose a religious path. In order to take on a quest you would have to donate some gold for the Temple restoration (5% of donations will go to the owners of the region).
Clans that have successfully besieged or defended the region will receive: -- for capturing the territory - 2 Mark of Conquest for leader of the clan who has placed the flag. -- for defending the territory (from clans or monsters) - 1 Mark of Conquest for leader of the clan (if a clan leader is not online it will go to the clan bar)
The use of the Mark of Conquest will add 250 experience to the clan if it's experience is less then 1000.
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